Friday, January 9, 2009

Shoulder Improvement today

Feeling much better, no pain upon waking and the Z arm cirrcles and Scapula work seem to have helped. Been looking into Scott Sonnens intermediate intuflow program and starting to implement some of the mobility work from that. Here's hoping it helps!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Training at near halt!

Was working well on the flexibility and Split training up until before Christmas but my pesky shoulder keeps recurring on me. I've just lately been focusing on Z R-Phase drills and trying to rest it. Some days it's fine but then others I wake up with symptoms akin to Frozen shoulder. I've also noticed that i'm compensating now and changing my behaviour patterns of how I move. Not too bad today and did a small amount of mobility work. If things don't drastically improve i'll be heading to the Chiro!

Best book i've read..

in a long time is Ralph Naders 17 traditions. It's a short book of reminisces, memories and lessons learned from his parents and family during his childhood in Connecticut. Well worth a read and has a lesson for all contained within its pages. Recommended.