Saturday, June 28, 2008

Do you want to get BIG??

Most men do. They want to increase muscle size, improve body comp and look good or great depending on their current state. Unfortunately most guys are still in the pump and blast zone of high reps and bicep curls with a heap of triceps kick backs and legs extensions thrown in for "Variety". Avoid this method of training and acquaint yourself with the "New Rules" below. (Actually, they aren't new, they've been around since the year of dot and most strong blokes and strong women use them, weklings don't.)

1) Limit your reps to 5 and under weight 75-85% 1RM
2) Eat
3) Deadlift, squat, bench press and do pullups. No weakling exercises!
4) Do not neglect Unilateral work for the lower body
5) Eat some more
6) Cycle your loads
7) get 9hrs sleep a night and a 20 minute nap or two inbetween
8) Eat again
9) Avoid training to absolute muscle failure
10) Continue eating
11) Do NOT downplay the training volume
12) Use High Tension techniques
13) Keep eating and repeat


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