Monday, July 14, 2008

Updated training

Started the C+J cycle on friday. After 2 light sets for body awareness I started the timer at 45 mins and began the sets of 7 reps with the 32's. managed 4x7 with 60s breaks before sets 5 and 6 dropped to 5 reps. Had to drop to the 28's and got 6 reps twice and 5 once. Down to the 24's and thats where the struggle began sets 10 and 11 barely got the 5 reps (minimum rep count) and dropped to the 20's. finished sets 12+13 with 6 reps before failing to get 5 on set number 14. Wasn't too bad a start and by sunday I was fresh to go again.

Sunday, 45mins again and hit 6x7 with the 32's. I was feeling pretty steamed on set 7 and struggled to get the fifth rep. moved to the 28's again and got 4x6 and 1x5. 24kg's came out for 3x5 and by this time I was feeling fragged(The extra sets on the 32kg were catching up). I quickly dropped to the two 20's and nailed a set of 6 followed by a miserable 4 so it was a finisher for 2x5 with the 16kgs. I had a lot of hamstring and shoulder soreness yesterday but after a good solid WD meal last night chock full of protein, i'm not feeling so bad at all today.

So the numbers stack up as follows:

Friday 14 sets 82reps
Sunday 19 sets 111reps

A big jump on sunday. The numbers mean nothing as such due to the fact i'm not using a fixed weight but from set to set there has been progress. By the end of this cycle I hope to be going the full 45mins with the 32's

More reporting tomorrow


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