Thursday, July 31, 2008

And another Peach below from Mr Boyle

Injuries = Imbalances
Look at injuries as symptoms of imbalances: Weak glutes cause pulled hamstrings. A weak psoas and iliacus leads to pulled quads. Rotator cuff strains come from lack of scapula control. I think we spend way too much time treating symptoms and trying to strengthen the wrong muscles. Shirley Sahrmann says that if you have an injured muscle, you should start looking for a weak synergist. Think about it.

1 comment:

Mike T Nelson said...

Boyle is a smart guy and has TONS of real world experience, but I think it is OVERALL body efficiency and chopping stuff into body part is something that trainers ditched awhile ago (well, for athletes) so why do that again?

I've seen many times an opposite ankle or hip affect shoulder range of motion (thoracic mobility and same side wrist too). I do agree that we need to look beyond where the site of pain is, but I am not a fan of the joint by joint approach unless it includes ALL the joints.
Rock on!
Mike N